Saturday, April 23, 2011

It's almost Easter?

What are you talking about?  It's like I've missed oh, I don't know... 16 days somehow.  Still feels like it's April 7th to me!

Yes, I know, I've been MIA for a while.  I'm really sorry.  Trips, school vacation, some health stuff... it's all over now, promise!

I haven't been posting because I haven't been saving.  Though to be fair, I haven't been spending either.  But this morning I headed out to Rite Aid to pick up some Easter goodies.  Thanks to a few coupons I had clipped I ended up leaving with plastic eggs and a few different Easter fillers, plus a bottle of vitamins, for $5. Not bad.

The family dyed some easter eggs today.  I couldn't find any of the PAAS kits at the stores so I just mixed up some food coloring with water and vinegar and we went old school.  The colors aren't so great, but hey, we had fun doing them anyway!  Pictures to come shortly.  End cost... $1.99 for the dozen eggs.  The end.

No coupon inserts this weekend... good thing, it'll give me some time to get my insert binder up to date.  I'm a week or two behind in hole punching my inserts.

I hope everyone has a lovely Sunday, April 24th, whether or not you're celebrating Easter!  I'm off to finish knitting the girls' Easter sweaters.  Hey, I never said I wasn't a procrastinator!


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