Friday, October 22, 2010

Last night's dinner was a labor intensive chicken stew from Cook's Illustrated. It was made primarily in a crock pot, but don't let that fool you- it took me over an hour of prep and cooking various ingredients before everything was settled into the slow cooker. But Cook's Illustrated/America's Test Kitchen/Cook's Country is always right, so the stew was incredible right? Wrong. After all that work, it didn't taste like much of anything. What a disappointment.

Lucky (I guess) we had enough leftover to freeze one meal and put some in the fridge for lunch for the grown-ups.

Tonight's another e-mealz creation, called Slow Bake Burritos. The girls aren't fans of anything spicy so I'm not making it with the chilies in it. Unfortunately I realized last night that the bag of onions we had was past it's prime (and it was a couple of months old so I can't be too upset) so that's one more thing we don't have on hand for this recipe... maybe some Pampered Chef Onion Onion seasoning will make it so nobody can tell the difference?

I'm getting burned out on cooking all these meals that nobody is really enjoying. I hope tonight will be a home run, and I can feel like I'm doing something good for the family again.

In other news we got a new stove, woot! We'll be getting reimbursed for it so right now it makes our budget look pretty bad, but I'm hopeful that the refund for it will come quickly.


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