Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's Wednesday, or as I know it, Cheap Milk Day. Unfortunately, today is the last Cheap Milk Day because the long-range sale at the store (where every day is a big sale on one particular item) ends this week. Goodbye, Cheap Milk Day. I shall never forget you, nor your $2.29/gallon local milk, or your Double Dollar Coupon Tuesdays, or your 44 Cents a Pound Bananas on mondays. I will weep for the loss of you, my sweet pet. I can only hope that your owners choose to let you give me some OTHER great deal in the upcoming weeks... otherwise, I really have no reason to shop at your store.


So Cheap Milk Day brought me in the store, and Women's Night Out at church kept me there. See, we're having a huge church fair this weekend, and tonight there's a WNO to have the ladies get together and price items and work on various booths. I had won a Sabra Hummus House Party, and I decided that the best use of my coupons and freebies was to bring items as snacks for WNO tonight. I purchased 4 tubs of hummus and 1 bag of Stacy's pita chips, all free with the coupons from House Party. I'll set these out along with more coupons for my church-y lady friends tonight, and I hope they'll love the hummus as much as I do, since it's my favorite brand.

I'm also baking for the aforementioned church fair, but I needed something I could prepare in advance and keep in the fridge, since we'll be out of town for the next two days. I currently have amaretto chocolate cake balls and mint oreo balls chilling in the fridge, waiting for their eventual swim in chocolate coating later today.

So $17.40 down the drain today, though only $7 of it was for my immediate family, and the rest was for church. Can't feel bad about that!


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