Sunday, January 23, 2011

Anybody have savings success this week?

I know of at least 2 of my friends who were planning to start couponing this weekend.  Want to share how it went?  How'd you do- get any good savings?

I did something new today- tried Walgreens for the first time.  It was... entertaining.  I knew more about their coupon system than the cashier and the manager on duty, and I wasn't trying any sort of fancy complicated deal- I just wanted my $2 RRs on Pull Ups.

I hit CVS, but they were out of the freebie mouthwash, and the magic coupon machine gave me a pretty useless coupon.

It's a slow week at Rite Aid (probably just as well since next week is going to be a deal bonanza there) but I did get 4 free 4-packs of lightbulbs.

How'd YOU do?  Have any questions?  My comments section now allows anyone to comment, not just those with Blogger accounts, so there's no need for you not to reply!

(p.s.- the next post in my series, Drugstores 101, will be coming in the next day or two...)


Unknown said...

As we discussed, my success didn't really come from coupons, but from looking at the specials that were being run & doing different transactions at Weis (our grocery store) & CVS. I paid out about $20 at CVS, got 5-12 packs of soda, hairspary & 3 Suave products. I was happy! At Weis, I paid about $105 for everything I purchased & saved $78. My purcases @ Weis included some expensive things! 130 ct box of diapers, wipes, tampons & chuck roast just to mention a few. We won't have to purchase canned veggies or fruit for quite a while!


Rachel said...

That's awesome Tiff! Every time you pull out a can of veggies you'll thank yourself- I get a smug little sense of satisfaction every time I get some bread out of the freezer instead of running to the store.

Vanessa said...

I'm disappointed with Rite Aid this week. I have $14 in +UPs that expire this week and NO great deals to be found in the flyer. Ugh! I wonder if there is a limit on those lightbulbs. :)

Rachel said...

Yep, there's a limit of 6, so that wipes out $12 of your +UPs...

Michelle said...

I started this week and did notice a difference. I am having trouble finding a local grocery store that doubles but I am taking every penny saved as a good thing. Usually my total grocery bill is between $175-$200. This week it was $174 but once I took off all non-grocery items (which I don't normally purchase at this store minus the tax on these items) my total in groceries was $100.14!!

Once I got past the need to get all the best sales on every item the first week it was easier. I wanted to do it perfectly the first week but had to remind myself that I am still learning. Thanks for the help Rachel!

Rachel said...

Awesome, Michelle!! Yes, the first few weeks I barely saved $10. It's SLOW in the beginning, particularly as you build your stash of coupons. Don't give up, you'll see your totals going down week by week!

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