Thursday, March 31, 2011

for better or for worse, Extreme Couponing is coming back.

TLC aired a special called Extreme Couponing a couple of months ago.  To their surprise, the show was a hit, and they've made it into a series.  The first season will start airing on April 6th, and if you're already couponing, you WILL be affected by it, even if you don't watch the show.

Strangers and cashiers will see your coupons in your hand and ask if you're "like those people on TV".  Your favorite stores might have the shelves cleared of their sale items earlier than you're used to.  You'll have more "competition" out there.  Drugstores might impose more limits on their sale items.

The problem with the show- at least, last time- was that it didn't teach responsible coupon usage.  I talked about this at length when the show first aired.  Yes, it's great to get a good deal, and yes, if you can stock up you should-- but you should NOT clear shelves unless it's the last day of a sale.  Three of the four couponers shown on the first episode bought more items than their family could possibly consume in a year.  What's the point?  Why bother getting free stuff if you're just going to throw it away?

I'll be watching the show then it airs- and it might feel a little like watching a horror movie through my fingers.  Anyone else planning on watching?


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