Sunday, November 7, 2010

$66 for $3 OOP at Rite Aid

It's been a really rough week. I did end up buying a coffee & bagel at Dunkin' on Friday night... it was my dinner, and I needed the caffeine for the drive. But other than that and the pizza for lunch the other day, I think we're doing OK, considering.

Oh, and Tom ran to Shaw's to buy some stuff to make his famous comfort food favorite, macaroni & cheese, last night. I warned him I wasn't at all in the mood to cook and even though I suggested Chinese take-out, he cooked anyway. He's such a good guy.

After church today, I'm going to drown my sorrows at Rite Aid, where I'm hoping they'll end up paying ME to shop there. It happens! There are some great Rite Aid deals this week. In case you're curious, here's my plan:

Garnier $5 +up reward when you spend $15 on Fructis, Nutrisse, Herbashine, or Nutritioniste

Herbashine haircolor $5.99
-$3 printable
-$2 video values coupon

Herbashine haircolor $5.99
-$3 printable
- $3 coupon in Sunday paper

Fructis Anti-Dandruff Shampoo $3.99
- $1 printable
- $2 video values coupon
- $1 coupon in Sunday paper
OOP price: .99, earn $5 +up reward= moneymaker!

Nivea Bodywash $1 +up reward when you buy 1
sale price $3.99
-$3 off 1 Nivea Men's bodywash printable
OOP price: .99, earn $1 +up reward = free!

Osteo Bi-Flex $2 +up reward when you buy 2
sale price: b1g1 free
-$3 video values coupon
-$3 printable
-$4 coupon from this week's Sunday paper
OOP price: varies, earn $2 + up reward (and I'm going to roll all my other +up rewards to this)

ETA: I did it! I ended up sending about $5 out of pocket and walked away with a $2 +up reward and $69 worth of stuff, all stuff we'll use. So a total price of $3, $66 saved.


Vanessa said...

Wow...great job at Rite Aid! I LOVE shopping at Rite Aid. I noticed that you shop at Shaw's too...I am SO jealous. The closest one to me is an hour away so I have to be content with Walmart. :)

Saw your blog link on Menu Plan Monday. :)

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