Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Where we used to live, there was only a CVS. I could drive about 20 minutes to find a Walgreens, but I certainly didn't have a Rite Aid nearby. A year or two ago I heard of people playing "the CVS game" or "the Wags game" and using store cards, weekly sales, store coupons, and manufacturers coupons to get freebies. I was impressed by the savings I saw but I didn't try it myself.

Since we've moved, and have a Rite Aid right down the street, I've been paying way more attention to these kinds of deals. Yesterday I got a great deal on an 18 pack of Tide Stain Release:
$5.88 (sale price) -$2 manufacturer's coupon - $1 +up reward= $2.88 out of pocket

There are lots of sites out there that will do the legwork for you and tell you how to get the best deal at Rite Aid (or lots of other stores) every week by combining coupons and sales. I like For The Mommas and her deal lists for Rite Aid, CVS, and Walgreens. I'll warn you, though: just because it's cheap or free doesn't mean it's worth your time! Sure, I can use a clearance sale plus a coupon to get some Shakira perfume for only .50... but why would I?

Just a friendly tip for you tonight, since my dinner didn't go over well and my kids refused to eat it because "it looks gross" and it DID look gross! My poor, poor children.


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