Sunday, December 12, 2010

How to fail at Rite Aid shopping.

1. Forget that your local Rite Aid takes two days to get the sale hang tags on the shelves.
2. Decide that you were somehow wrong after all, and the Pull Ups you needed aren't actually on sale.
3. Gather 2 packs of Pull Ups and one Kit Kat bar as filler to hit $25, so you can use your $5/$25 coupon.
4. When you get to the register, and it turns out you were right all along and the Pull Ups AND the Kit Kat bar are on sale, making your total under $25, freeze like a deer in headlights.
5. Don't bother asking the cashier to close out the sale so you can re-group. You could have gone back, grabbed another pack of Pull Ups, and dumped the Kit Kat filler, but you didn't.
6. Use all of your rolled +UP Rewards in a desperate effort to make the scenario come out better for you.
7. Spend $16 for 2 packs of Pull-Ups and a candy bar you don't need, when you MEANT to have spent $17 for 3 packs of Pull Ups.
8. Cry.


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