Monday, January 17, 2011

clip. clip clip.

Yesterday rocked because my second mom Melinda brought her coupon inserts to church and left them on my seat.  I was SO excited to see them!  Don't get me wrong, I was excited to see Melinda too, but I was expecting to see her- the coupons gave me an extra shot of joy.

I did a RA run right after church, and of course, the store had been cleaned out of the free tissues at 9 AM.  I did manage to get 10 rolls of free toilet paper, along with some free snacks and cold medicine for the kids, and a .40 Patriots Christmas ornament.

I guess the .40 was foreshadowing, since the Pats got their butts handed to them by the Jets in the playoff game later in the day.  I drowned my sorrows in coupon clipping and once the trouncing was over, I'd clipped over $550 in coupons to send to the troops overseas.  See, expired coupons can be used on military bases for up to 6 months past their expiration date.  I know how much coupons help me- I can only imagine how much they could help a serviceperson shopping at the Commissary.  It was sort of soothing to sit there and clip, clip, clip, only paying attention to whether the item was food or non food.  No thinking bout expiration dates, or doubling, or if we'd use the item... just clip the thing!


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