Saturday, January 15, 2011

quickie RA run and great deal on printer paper!

Tonight I did one final sweep of RA when I ran out for some milk.  My store stocks on Saturdays, so I thought they may have re-stocked on items that sold out immediately when the new deals started last Sunday.  I was right, a little anyway: they had more Special K in.  I got 4 boxes.  This week they were buy 1, get 1 free, plus I had 2 buy 1, get 1 free coupons.  I also threw in a pack of Mini Eggs to get my final total over $1 so I could use a +UP.  My end price was $1.46, I paid .46 in cash and got $4 in +UPs back.  Good profit and man... my house has a LOT of Special K now!

Earlier I was bringing the girls to The Ecotarium in Worcester (after getting a 50% discount pass from the library, of course, because I CANNOT fathom spending $28 for myself and two kids to go anywhere but a theme park) but I stopped first at Office Depot.  See, they were having a couple of promotions running at the same time, and today (and yesterday) they hit a sweet spot!  I got a box (10 reams) of HP printer paper.  It broke down like this:

HP Copy paper  $42.99
-40% off one item coupon  -$17.20
submit for $20 rebate -$20
$5.79 OOP
PLUS earned 10% back in Worklife Rewards- $2.58 (I'm assuming?)
so my final price for this massive amount of paper will be $3.21

Yeah.  $3.21.  And compare that to the fact that I paid TWICE that amount for ONE REAM of paper a couple of weeks ago.

A funny tidbit- the store manager rung me out and he said "oh good, you have your rewards card too.  Those Fat Wallet people are so funny- they come in with the 40% off coupon and then I tell them they need a Reward card too or they can't use the coupon.  They're shocked!  People need to pay attention!"  It's always funny to me when store management is aware of all the deal sites out there... I was just glad I knew what Fat Wallet was.  Can you imagine if I didn't?  Gosh, what does he have against rich people? 


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