Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday is Rite Aid day!

Well, I mean... first Sunday is church day, then hang out after church day, THEN Rite Aid day, but you get the picture, I'm sure.  This morning's RA run included one fairly expensive item we needed in the house, and a couple of items I submitted for rebates, so it doesn't look like a great deal on paper but I'm still very pleased.  Here's what I got!

4 boxes Barilla pasta
1 Brita Faucet Filter, 1 pack (this was what we needed and it's $14.99 for ONE.  Yikes!)
2 Tylenol Precise Pain creams
4 Tylenol Precise Pain patches
2 Motrin PM 20 ct.
1 Blink Tears
1 Burt's Bees Holiday Lip Balm Kit (75% off plus $1 coupon made it too hard to pass up!)
Regularly $107.55, sale price $66.47
Coupons I used:
-$1 off Burt's Bees gift sets
-$1 off Blink Tears
-$6/2 Motrin
-3x $5/2 Tylenol Precise products
subtotal $43.47, paid $39 in +UPs, $9.78 in cash... earned $27 in +UPs, will get $10.99 in rebates

I ignore how I paid for a transaction and just subtract my +UPs and rebates from my final subtotal.  That said, I got all of these items for $5.48 total.  

On a related note, why does Rite Aid hand out free Motrin PM every 2-3 weeks?  What exactly do they have against the stuff?  It's hysterical!  I've gotten it as a moneymaker 3 times since I started shopping Rite Aid!  Is there something I don't know about the product?  Is it made out of recycled shopping bags?!?


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