Sunday, February 20, 2011

on vacation

We're currently in Florida, visiting family, which is why I haven't posted in a week.  I don't have much to say about money saving while I'm here, except that visiting Publix with my  "coupon eyes" was a whole new experience for me.  Firstly, it seemed like every item had a peelie on it!  Everywhere I turned, I saw a peelie or a tearpad.  The prices weren't too different than what we see at home, but they sure make it a lot easier to save money here by handing you the coupon to use with the item.

I found a coupon book tearpad and took three of them to bring home with us.  Oh, how my life has changed.

A couple of quick pictures to include you in the warm, sunny, beautiful joy that this week has been...

We'll be home Wednesday!  I'll be glad to be back in our lovely house with our comfy bed, but right now I'm thoroughly enjoying soaking up the sun and watching the girls swim in the pool ALL.DAY.LONG.


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