Sunday, February 27, 2011

Yay for Sunday Rite Aid trips!

Florida has no Rite Aids.  Sad, but true.  So I missed the past 2 Sundays at my beloved Rite Aid.  I was so happy to get back into the grind that I mentioned it at church, where someone quipped "church is over and now she's going to her REAL church."  This is particularly amusing if you know that my husband is the minister!

This is a good week for freebies at Rite Aid.  Unfortunately the freebies are junk food... but that's OK.  In fact, I only used ONE coupon that I'd walked in with this morning, which means this is a great week for people to get freebies with very little work done beforehand.

Lay's Stax (similar to Pringles), TGIFriday snacks, Burger King snacks (who knew there was such a thing?) and Combos are all $1 each, get $1 +UP back.  No limit.

Also, there's a Thermacare-type heat wrap called BodiHeat.  It's on sale this week, but for some reason it's ringing up for $1, get $1 +UP back- AND many of the boxes have peelies on them for either .50 or $1 off each, making them a "moneymaker".

I also got a box of hair dye for .24 with a coupon.  Something tells me I may never get the courage to actually USE this color, but hey... it's a fun story!

So I got:
4 BodiHeat Wraps
1 Natural Essence hair dye
4 Stax
5 Combos
2 Burger King snacks
- 2.00 coupons (peelies)
-2.00 coupon (hair dye)
12.24 OOP (paid $12 in +UPs, .24 in cash)
earned $15 +UP= $2.76 "moneymaker"

The shelves were full (for once!) and I could have bought a LOT more, but I just didn't want that much junk food- even free junk food.  I do donate it to food banks, though it makes me feel weird to donate non-nutritious food.  I find that they're good to have on hand for parties, church functions, etc. so I buy some every time a sale comes around, but I wouldn't stock up on freebies like I would for health & beauty care items or healthy foods.

Anybody out there have shopping success to share this week?


CarlyWriter said...

Being on vacation and missing coupon opps = bummer! Love being on vacation, hate missing out on the sales!! lol Oh well, here's to savin' big when we return, right?

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