Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It doesn't always work out.

I feel the need to share this story so you can see that, even with the best intentions, sometimes the deals don't work out for me (or you, or anyone- even the Extreme Couponers).  Three weeks ago, before I left for vacation, Rite Aid was running a sale on Dove Invisible Solid deodorant- buy 2 for $4, get $2 +UP back.  When the math works out, a customer would be getting this deodorant for $1 each, which is a good deal... but there's more.  See, there was a $2 off any Dove Deodorant coupon out at the same time.  Suddenly you could get both deodorants for free, THEN still get the $2 +UP back, for a profit of $1 per deodorant.

All of the deodorant I had in the house was men's, from the big Gillette/Old Spice sale a few months ago.  I hadn't yet seen a good deal on women's deodorant, and once I'd gotten used to free health and beauty products, well, I just couldn't bring myself to spend money just to get girly smelling armpits.  I was using a stick of Old Spice in the Fiji scent ("smells like palm trees, sunshine, & freedom" according to the label) and while it wasn't girly, I also didn't smell like I'd gone swimming in Drakkar.  But a chance to get some free women's deodorant?  I was ON IT.

I had ordered a few extra coupon inserts for the week that the Dove $2 off coupon came out, so luck was on my side when I went through my binder and found 8 coupons for the deodorant.  I scoped out my Rite Aid in Saturday night- they had 13 Dove's in stock.  "Great", I thought. "I have 8 coupons but I won't buy 8, I'll just buy 4 and leave all the rest for everyone else."

So Sunday morning rolls around, and I'm not able to go to Rite Aid when it opens, but I get there around 11:30.  I go straight to the deodorant aisle and immediately see it-- the empty shelf where all the Dove used to be.  Crap.

No worries though- I decide to just get a rain check.  That way I can still use the coupon, and get the sale price, but I won't get the +UPs.  And that's OK- I love "moneymakers" but I also love free! So from this point on, I dutifully check the Dove area every time I'm back in the store.

This past Saturday, I check RA one more time.  They never got in any more Dove, and my coupons expire the next day, so I know I'm stuck.  I've got to use the coupons or lose them.  I head over to Shaws because I remember they were also running a Dove promo, and I'm not sure what the specifics are, but I'm hoping I can still snag a deal, even at the last minute.

As I browse at Shaws, I realize that the Dove promo had ended THE DAY BEFORE.  The day before!  The deodorants are on "sale" for $2.99 each now- but can you see how paying .99 each for them is so hard when I was originally going to be PAID $1 to take each stick home?

So what did I end up doing?  I found a stick on "clearance" for $2.79, and I bought it.  One stick.  79 cents.  And threw away the other 7 coupons.

But, you know... 6 months ago, I would bought the deodorant at 2.99 and thought I was getting a deal.  Heck, a year ago, I would have bought whatever deodorant I liked the scent of the most and not even LOOKED at the price!  Deals don't always work the way you want them to, and it's just not worth beating yourself up over.


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