Monday, January 31, 2011

two quick runs today.

I hit up Shaw's and rolled a couple of the Catalinas I earned yesterday, plus earned one more.  Here's what I got (a lot of this was for dinner tonight, which was a TON of work, but was delicious!):

6 jars Skippy Natural peanut butter
8 boxes Barilla pasta
1/2 lb. butter
1 pt. heavy cream
1 gallon milk
1 1/2 gallon chocolate milk (free with purchase of the milk gallon)
1 carton bread crumbs
1 container red pepper flakes
1 container steak seasoning
2 cans tuna (at .89 each-- I'm having the HARDEST time getting a good price on tuna!)
1 doz. eggs
1 pack napkins
used $37.99 in Catalinas and coupons, for a total out of pocket price of $9, and I also got a $10 Catalina for my next order.

How did that kind of grocery success feel?  AWESOME!!  Man, the cashier was even like "how did you DO that?!?"  I TOLD you the deals at Shaws this week are awesome!

Then I hit up Rite Aid, because I just can't resist on weeks like this.  Even when I'm buying really odd items, and I'm only buying them because they're moneymakers.  Is there ANYTHING I wouldn't buy if it made me some money?  Not sure... but I tested it today and decided to make a mortifying purchase and hope the cashier (who recognizes me!) didn't pay much attention to what I was buying...

ANYWAY I bought 2 of this not to be named item, used 2 coupons, paid .46 out of my change purse, and was handed a $5 +UP reward for a $4.54 moneymaker.  Now if only there was a place I could donate said embarrassing products...  I hate throwing new items away but I'm pretty sure they're destined for the trash!


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