Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Keeping track

I just saw a good deal for Rite Aid next week posted on Southern Cali Saver.  I used to see things like this and just assume I'd remember.  Or I'd keep the Notepad on my netbook up, and add to the list, which worked OK except I couldn't really format it and if my computer restarted, it was gone.

I began keeping a rolling shopping list on Google Docs.  I keep mine private.  It auto saves, and it's super easy to edit, print, and access from anywhere.  Feel free to take a look at my list for this week (I made a private copy for myself so you're looking at a semi-public copy). It's not pretty at the moment, and maybe it doesn't make any sense to other people, but it does to me!

This way, I print out the pertinent page on shopping day and throw it in my basket/shopping cart.  I can quickly scan the list to see what I wanted to buy, how I wanted to break up transactions, and what coupons I wanted to use.  This helps me to keep my wits about me when I go into the store-- otherwise I'm easily confused.

No matter how you keep your list, I highly HIGHLY suggest keeping one.  It is a lifesaver in terms of staying to your plan, and getting the savings you were hoping for.


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